Ladies!!! Can you believe how long it's been?! I was just reading through some old posts and couldn't believe that all of that wedding craziness (Did I say craziness? I meant joy...) happened a year and half ago! And man, how things have changed since then...
Shortly after our return from Italy, the Office Hubs and I got the house hunt fever. It was innocent at first, but we soon found ourselves in overdrive, checking out open houses every other weekend. Thank goodness, at some point our good friend Claire stepped in as our realtor and helped us narrow down the search.
Ok - I'm gonna say it. House hunting can be SUPER STRESSFUL. Fun, in the sense that we got to check out homes and play pretend, but stressful in every other way! It also didn't help that we dealt with a few crazy homeowners along the way (eg. One guy kept delaying the closing and finally decided not to sell with us. We later found out that he pulled out so that he could put his house back on the market for a higher price. ARGH!).
But all of that work, sweat, and tears paid off because we ended up finding a wonderful home in the west end of Toronto. We got the keys on my birthday last June and moved in a month later!
Since then we've done a lot of updating on the house (Home Depot is our second home), hosted a lot of parties (we can have more than 5 people over now, wooo!), and lots of chilling out in our new digs (a dishwasher can free up so much time, who knew?)
In typical fashion, I have decided to start blogging about life in the west end of the city, and hopefully I can bring a few of you over to the new blog: Toronto West Enders

A blog that have everything and anything to do with our beloved side of the city. And with writing contributions from Office Hubs (figured he should have a say now, ha!). Are we completely biased because we live in the west end?
Hope you enjoy the new read. And as always, I look forward to hearing from you and what adventures you've taken since the big day!