Monday, June 28, 2010

How Do You Say "No"?

Without having to actually say it?

This is a question that most brides and grooms will ask themselves at some point in the planning, when friends and family members start volunteering ideas or services which they believe are "helpful" for the wedding.

Your aunt has a green thumb and wants to make your bouquet using her garden flowers. You fiance's cousin's husband plays in a cover band and wants to do the music for the reception. Your friend from university insists on doing your invites as her gift to you because she learned how to use Photoshop recently.

It's a tough call, because while on one hand we should be appreciative of others wanting to make a contrubution, there's also the risk that it's not the kind of contribution we needed in the first place.

And then there is the oh-so-awkward scenario when guests ask - sorry, tell -a couple that they are bringing a date, someone who wasn't accounted for in the numbers. That's a fun phone call to make, huh?


"Oh...hi Jerry. Good, good. Things are going well! Hey, I noticed that you were bringing a date to the wedding? Oh, you met her in a bar last weekend? That's nice. Yeah, so about that..."

AWKWARD. do you say "no"?


  1. Yeah, I hate that. I wanted to use "___ seats have been reserved in your honor" but the FI wasn't thrilled with that. We're just kinda spreading the word - don't bring someone just for the sake of bringing a date.

  2. I plan on asking my mom "How are YOU going to let Aunt __ know she's not invited?" Since auntie hasn't talked to me in years and mom's the one who blabs to her my wedding business.

    I don't know how you tell someone no who you actually want to keep speaking to though! Lie and say "I already have [that] picked out but thank you so much for offering?"

  3. We actually wrote people's names on the RSVP cards that were mailed in, so it was quite clear who was invited. On the online RSVPs, the only people who can rsvp are those people whose names are on the master guest list that we created. No problems so far!
