Monday, January 25, 2010

Need to recharge

I'm having one of those days today where I just DON'T want to think or talk about anything wedding related. I know... *shock*

It started yesterday when the Office Groom and I were with some friends and one of them asked how the wedding planning was going. My normal response would have been to eagerly give them any updates (as I have been following the golden wedding planning rule of only sharing details when asked). However, I just didn't have it in me and kept it pretty vague.

Then it dawned on me today. Why shouldn't I be a bit tired of the wedding talk? I do it almost every day on this blog, or with my fellow Bees on Weddingbee, so obviously there are going to be days where I want to talk about anything BUT the wedding. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! In fact, I don't think it's healthy for anyone to obsess over one thing day in and day out.

Once I realized this, I took a deep breath and actually got some work WORK of all places! There is plenty of time still to get things done, and I'm officially taking a break from all things wedding today. I suggest you do the same at some point.

Recharge ladies!

1 comment:

  1. I took all of December as a recharge. It was time. Not only do I have my own wedding going on, but my long-winded best friend's (who has a budget of 3 times mine, so you know she has a lot of purchases to talk about) ;) Sometimes I need to just get away from the madness!
