Monday, June 21, 2010

Catholic Wedding Ceremony Music

I was in the church choir when I was a teenager.

There - I said it.

And you know what? I'm glad I did! While it may have not screamed "cool," especially at an age when everything depended on whether it was cool or not, the choir I sang with was actually really good, and still is. Years ago, while I was still living under the same roof with my devout Catholic mom, going to church on Sunday was not questioned. After years of doing my best not to fall asleep during mass, I eventually realized that the best way to keep myself busy (and awake) was to join the choir.

To this day I can still sing along to most of the songs from memory. And while I haven't quite figured out how knowing the lyrics to "On Eagle's Wings" can help me in every day conversation, it has been very helpful as of late when deciding on the music for our wedding.

Our priest, who by priest standards is very cool and modern, requested that we either choose traditional music from the choir music selection or classical music. So far in my research, I've really grown attached to these pieces:

You Are Mine by David Haas

The Prayer by Sager/Foster

For The Beauty of the Earth by Conrad Kocher:

Lord Of All Hopefulness, a Traditional Irish hymn

Luckily, the Office Groom and I were able to sell him on the idea of playing the UP theme song (our favourite movie) during the signing. Hopefully our guests will catch on to what the song is and be as choked up as I will undeniably be lol :)

I'm not quite sure how many songs should be sung or played during the ceremony, so the search continues!


  1. I love choir- I was in choir in HS! Glad your music is special to you :)
