What is normally a 20 minute commute to work on the subway took me FORTY FIVE FRIGGIN MINUTES this morning. They kept stopping between stations, so we just stood there in the dark tunnel, while someone on the intercom would explain what was going on, but all we could hear was "St...gre....bu....mor....ple...." Why do they even bother?!
So needless to say, I was a bit flustered when I got into the office, but my sour mood quickly dissipated when I noticed a package on my desk. And I knew instantly what it was...
The guests gifts had arrived!!!
I hurriedly set my purse down, turned on my computer, and got nice and comfy at my desk so that I could open the box. And there they were. 150 brand new, fresh smelling (it's all about the smell for me) Robert Munsch books and announcement cards. Le sigh...

Early in the wedding process, after OG and I had decided that we wanted a book theme, we came up with the idea of donating to a good cause that related to the theme in some way. Enter
ABC Life Literacy Canada (formerly ABC Canada) - a non-for-profit organization that promotes the cause of literacy nationally through various programs, and helps adults with low literacy to develop the skills they need to succeed in reading, writing, and numeracy.
All it took was an e-mail, and soon I was in touch with the lovely people in the ABC marketing department. They set it up so that once we made a donation they would provide us with enough books for each of our guests as a token of thanks. How cool is that?!

We're also really happy that they've provided us with a title by
Robert Munsch, one of Canada's most popular Canadian children's authors, and a personal favourite of both OG and mine (and pretty much every kid in North America, right?!).
I can't wait to see everyone open their little books at the reception, and I hope know that they were part of a good cause :)